What We Want and What We Need

What we want and what we need, or what we think we need and what we really need… sometimes it’s hard to figure out which is which and to strike a balance between those different needs.

How to Find Your Creativity (Again)

When we go through our busy lives, it can be easy to lose track of our state of free-flowing creativity. Sometimes we only notice that it’s been gone when we catch a glimpse of it again…

The Pros and Cons of a Staycation – and 7 Tips to Make it a Success

Though we had planned to travel this past week, our plans changed due to medical reasons. We turned our vacation into a staycation, and it was a lot of fun. There were some pros and cons, and some things we learned along the way…

Healthy Relationship Practices: Owning Your Sh*t

In any interaction, there is more than one party, and every party has their influence. In romantic relationships this is even more the case, yet we are often blinded by what we contribute to the funk we may get into at times…