Life After Burnout/Depression

Over a year after the deepest darkness of my depression, my life looks very different, and the way I handle the darkness when it arises is also quite different…

Goodbye and Thank You to 2022

2022 was a big year for me, with huge personal growth and personal discovery. I’m in such a different place than I was a year ago, and so grateful for what 2022 brought me.

1 Year After the Start of My Burnout: What Helped Me Heal and Which Insights I Take With Me

A year ago I was home from work for the first time, not knowing that I wouldn’t be going back for the next foreseeable future. I went into a darkness I hadn’t seen since my early twenties, but slowly climbed back out. Here’s how.

Identifying Your Invisible Stressors

Sometimes we feel stressed without really knowing why. It seems our lives haven’t really changed and yet we are overwhelmed. But are we really seeing all there is to see?

Where Is Your Shadow? And What Does It Look Like?

We all have graves in our yards of things we buried long ago, things we don’t want to see or know. Sometimes, we even forget they are there. But knowing our shadow, and taking the time to look at it, is vitally important.

Traveling with Children Who’d Rather Stay at Home

We’ve just returned from a week in Germany’s Black Forest region. It was beautiful, but the children didn’t always seem to think so…

Is Being Impulsive Really Such a Bad Thing?

Going somewhere on a whim, following your nose wherever it takes you, forging the iron while it is hot… doing something impulsively can be really fun! But what are the drawbacks? And is there a way to keep the good and let go of the bad?

What We Want and What We Need

What we want and what we need, or what we think we need and what we really need… sometimes it’s hard to figure out which is which and to strike a balance between those different needs.

How to Find Your Creativity (Again)

When we go through our busy lives, it can be easy to lose track of our state of free-flowing creativity. Sometimes we only notice that it’s been gone when we catch a glimpse of it again…